Customer Development is Hard

I’ve been working in technology for a pretty long time, having weaved my way along an illuminating path through development, IT, project management, product management, product marketing, marketing and executive leadership. The two key principles that tie the...

Customer Development is Hard.

I’ve been working in technology for a pretty long time, having weaved my way along an illuminating path through development, IT, project management, product management, product marketing, marketing and executive leadership. The two key principles that tie the...

Lean Start-up: Part II

I have a great opportunity to test out some theories about customer development, process-oriented, and metrics-driven marketing. I thought I’d keep a running blog on our progress. Week 1 is here. By now we have completed the following: documented business hypotheses;...

Marketing for Technologists

As I mentioned before, non-marketing people tend to view marketing as this expensive, monolithic necessary evil, dominated by wasteful “Madison Ave” style marketing, i.e., advertisements, logos and slogans. In a nutshell, Marketing=PR=Ads=Marcom=Branding....

Lean Start-up: Part 1

I have a great opportunity to test out some theories and to follow the principles advocated by the likes of Eric Ries, Andrew Chen, Sean O’Malley, Dave McClure and Sean Ellis.  I thought I’d keep a running blog on our progress. I won’t name the...